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What are Cyber Security Solutions?

Cyber security solutions are technological tools and services that help protect organizations against cyber attacks, which can result in application downtime, theft of sensitive data, damage to reputation, compliance fines, and other adverse consequences.

In the modern security environment, with a wide variety of ever-changing threats, tools are an essential part of cybersecurity. We’ll review several broad categories of cyber security solutions:

help test software applications for vulnerabilities during development and testing stages, and protect them against attacks when running in production.

deployed on endpoint devices like servers and employee workstations, prevent threats like malware and unauthorized access and help detect and stop breaches as they happen.

monitor network traffic, identify potentially malicious traffic, and enable the organization to block, filter, or otherwise mitigate threats.

help gain visibility and apply security controls to the growing network of IoT devices, which are increasingly used for mission-critical applications and store sensitive data, yet are often unsecured by design.

help gain control over complex public, private, and hybrid cloud environments, by detecting security misconfigurations and vulnerabilities, and helping to remediate them.

Cyber Security

What Is Enterprise Security Management?

Enterprise security management (ESM) is the practice of implementing security policies for the purpose of protecting complex ecosystems. ESM encompasses the configuration, deployment, and monitoring of security policies across several environments and security tools.

Application Security

Application security processes and tools help organizations discover, fix, and continuously remediate application security threats. To be truly effective, application security should be applied at all levels—including software and hardware.

A router, for example, can help prevent unauthorized traffic from penetrating the network, and a vulnerabilities scanner can help discover and remediate vulnerabilities before a breach occurs. Together, they protect different components of the application.

Web Application Firewall

The goal of ESM is to enable enterprises to gain better control over a distributed and complex enterprise environment. Enterprises can leverage ESM to address unauthorized access concerns, as well as to meet privacy and compliance requirements.

API Security

Application programming interfaces (APIs) enable communication between different applications. Since this process lets you transfer information between services and applications, it is highly vulnerable to interceptions. API security solutions help protect APIs and prevent exploitations of transmissions or vulnerabilities.

DDoS Protection

A denial-of-service (DoS) attack attempts to interrupt the normal operations of a single server or an entire network. If the attack is successful, the targeted device, application, or network suffers from an outage or disruption that prevents normal operations. A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack typically targets websites. DDoS protection can help prevent disruptions during attacks.

Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Software Composition Analysis (SCA) solutions analyze the open-source components of your application. After the SCA identifies open-source software, the tool provides information about each library, including licensing information and data on detected security vulnerabilities. Enterprise versions of SCA often provide additional capabilities, such as automated policies.

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